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Forsyth ExterminatingHouse Mouse Removal

House Mouse Removal

House mouse removal starts by identifying the house mouse.  House mice are gray, and sometimes dark gray. After the mice are identify, house mice removal is a must. Very few people like mice, and no one wants them in their house. Rodents live everywhere outside and could enter at any time. As owners of our space mice and rodent removal should always be a priority. It is very common for mice and other rodents to enter a home or other type of structure.

Mice find homes and structures as food sources. House mouse, rats, and other rodents damage food daily, and should not be left with food or other products that later be consumed by humans. Mice are excellent climbers and are capable of gaining entry through holes around soffit vents and around cables entering the building, through holes in gable vent screens, and through turbine and box vents on roofs. As process for mice, rat, and rodent removal sealing the home or business against mice entering, or rat entering is a must. Most garage doors on homes allow enough space for mice to fit underneath and mice chew their way in, as well. house mouse and mice damage is very common.  Rodent damage from house mouse is related to mice contamination, mice chewing, mice nesting, and mice inviting other animals such as snakes inside. Once mice are present inside a structure, mice, rats, or other rodents most often will not leave and a mice exclusion, a rodent exclusion must be done.  Mice, rat, and rodents must be trapped & sealed out to prevent other mice, rats, and rodents from the outside from entering.

The best way to avoid invasions of mice, rat infestations, rodent entering is to (1) provide as little harborage as possible that might attract mice, rats, and rodents, and (2) mice exclusion, rat exclusion, and rodent exclusion: seal as many holes and cracks in the outside of the home through which mice might enter. Follow these recommendations to help prevent rodents from seeking the shelter provided by your home:

  • Don’t allow piles of leaves to accumulate next to the home’s foundation.
  • Seal any hole or crack in the structure larger than 1/4 of an inch. A good rule of thumb is that if a pencil can fit into it, a mouse could too.
  • Place weather-stripping on the bottom of all doors to prevent rodents from entering. The garage door may prove difficult to seal completely, so the door from the garage to the house must be sealed tightly.
  • Use FORSYTH EXTERMINATING as your regular pest control company. Our wildlife experts have the experience and training needed to rid a structure of rodents promptly and effectively. We perform house mice exclusion, house mice trapping, rat exclusions, rat trapping, and rodent exclusions and trapping. Our professional mice and rodent exclusion methods ensure that rodents and other wildlife animals such as rats, raccoons, and snakes will never enter your home, guaranteed!