FAQs: Company Questions
Frequently Asked Questions about Forsyth Exterminating
Are you a minority or woman owned business?
Yes, Forsyth Exterminating is a second-generation woman-owned pest control business. As pioneers of introducing females to the pest control industry, our company started out by having women performing pest control services and sales twenty plus years ago. Cindy and William Poss co-founded Forsyth Exterminating in 1980. Cindy started in the office answering the phone and scheduling customers and, after a couple of years, decided to try her skills in the field. She successfully serviced many accounts throughout the first 10 years of the company’s existence. She and William raised three children in the industry, all three of whom are still involved with the business. Their oldest daughter, Julie, is now managing partner of Forsyth Exterminating; she has been so since 2004. Along with her husband, Julie now owns and manages this company along with two other companies in Georgia and one pest control company in Florida. Their youngest daughter, Jessica, is preparing herself through on-the-job training in the office and the field together with training seminars and continuing education classes to be another woman entrepreneur in the near future. Their son, Jonathan, is currently working toward obtaining Certification for Pest Control Operator by completing the required experience, training, and testing by state authorities.
Do you offer senior citizens discounts?
Yes, Forsyth Exterminating is proud to offer all senior citizens a 5% discount, if they sign up for quarterly service, termite coverage, wildlife exclusions, or any other service that we offer. No commitment to any ongoing service is required to receive this discount.
Are you a member of the Better Business Bureau?
Yes, Forsyth Exterminating has an A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau and no open customer complains. Our customer service team feels that customer satisfaction is a top priority.
What is the difference between our products and products bought at home improvement stores?
Forsyth Exterminating’s professional products have a higher active ingredient than the products available at home improvement stores. Pest control experts have access to a broader range of products and knowledge, allowing them to apply specific products for specific pests. In many cases homeowners purchase a product believing it will protect them from all invading pests when in reality it is mostly a contact product only. This means the only way to control insects is to spray the product directly on the pest, and they have little or no residual effect. Often, the homeowner follows the directions on these “over-the-counter” products but continues to have problems with insects, leaving them with no other alternative but to contact a pest control professional to correct their problem. Additionally, products and equipment go hand-in-hand. Many people don’t realize that the right product applied using the wrong equipment will be as ineffective as using the wrong product. Our pest control equipment is expensive and state-of-the-art, so in many case is a no-brainer to hire a professional to take care of a termite, rodent, or pest problem instead of purchasing equipment and spending weeks or months acquiring all the knowledge required.
How is your company better that its competitors?
There are a number of reasons our clients choose Forsyth Exterminating over our competitors.
Some of these reasons include:
- reliability
- outstanding customer service
- our high quality standards
- superior work ethic
- longevity (Forsyth Exterminating has been in business for over 30 years.)
We provide flexible scheduling in order to work around our client’s schedules and needs, and no job is too small or too big, from apartments to community associations, we can handle any job.